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There is no such thing as random. And yet, there might be. Everything happens for a reason. What may seem random now will seem perfectly normal if you think about it. (Unless a cow falls on top of you. That's different.)

*(From a different person) It's called Life man. Everything around you is random. I see a notalking sign in the computer lab right now and that's random. It may not be for you but it sure is for me

My answer : Life! (That was my thought, I wasn't copying anyone)

*(new person) If everything that anyone ever thought was random was gone, then would there be anything left? Everything can be called random and it may be, but it also happened for a reason.

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Q: Why are there random events that happen at a random time at a random place during a random year in a random month?
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this may not answer your question, but i have a good reason. Pokemon events are random/unexpected. at in the main display board, it will give you a date about 1 month in the future, so you have time to plan.

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As with all such questions many events happened during any given month of any given year.Try THIS page for the month in question

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Actually, erections have nothing to do with it. Once a month, males do have random moods swings and are generally slightly more temperamental. Random erections only effect males going through puberty, and don't happen monthly, but rather at random times.

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During the spring. The most active month for tornadoes in Kansas is May.

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