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Q: Why are there so many different ways of life?
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well they were all diffferent back then so now they have different ways of changing.

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There are so many different ways that you can do your hair for depends on what kind of personality you have.

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Eight letters, so.... 8! = 40320 different ways =================

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It absorbed many different religions and cultures and ways of life and the only rule to being Hindu is saying that you are a Hindu. So Hindus can believe literally anything.

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There are many different types of cancer, so there are many different ways of reacting with the symptoms.

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success can be evaluated in many different ways. a few of these are: whether you are doing well at school or work. whether you feel you are where you wanted to be at this point in your life how you view yourself how others view you. there any many different ways so if you feel like even only a few of these apply to you then you are part way there.

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There are over 50 countries in Europe and many different languages. So different Europeans talk in different ways.

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Hes so vunerable there are sooo many ways... Even in real life!!!!!

Is it possible to extend the human life indefinitely?

No, people have tried many different ways of doing that, such as cryonics--freezing themselves so they can wake up later--and going to a different world with a different dimension where they think they can go on forever. But there's no way to extend life indefinitely--none of those actually work.

Why are there so many different types of religion if you all serve the same god?

People want to worship in different ways; they have different beliefs.

Why are Everglades so important?

the everglades are important because it has so many different species of wild life and plant life.