When capital, the sequence beginning with 'A' are all written with only straight lines.
There are 11 letters with only one line of symmetry.
Some of the letters don't have a line of symmety because some are not equally the same size.
cube :)
Letters that have a vertical line symmetry: WTYUIOAHXVM Letters that have a horizontal Line symmetry: EIODHKCB
macmohan line
Mack mohan line
the mason dixon line
all letters have a line of symmetry
Mason Dixon Line
They can separated just by space, but also by a vertical line.
They can separated just by space, but also by a vertical line.
The fall line
I think it is each segment of a line of music that is separated by a vertical line.
I think it is each segment of a line of music that is separated by a vertical line.
There are 11 letters with only one line of symmetry.