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Q: Why are two blankets warmer than one which is double the thickness of each?
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Simple answer for 2 blankets warmer than a double the thickness of one?

Yes, two blankets stacked on top of each other provide more insulation and therefore would be warmer than a single blanket that is twice as thick. The air trapped between the layers helps to retain heat better, increasing the overall warmth.

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No. They got basically nothing. ___ Actually, they were allocated two blankets each, which is nothing like enough in winter.

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To calculate the amount of concrete needed for a 900 square foot area, you first need to determine the thickness of the concrete slab. Once you have the thickness in inches, divide it by 36 to convert to yards. Then divide the total cubic yards by the number of cubic yards in a concrete truck to determine how many truckloads you need.

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It produced by the sounds.

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It produced by the sounds.

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It produced by the sounds.

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It produced by the sounds.

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It produced by the sounds.