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In each hour two 60W blankets will use 120W.

120W for 9 hours = 1080 W or 1.08 Kilowatts.

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Q: How many kilowatt-hours of electricity are used by two 60 W electric blankets used for 9 hours?
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When one country buys one megawatt electricity and use it for 24 hours How much he pays?

The answer depends on the price of electricity which will be different at different times and from place to place.

How much money does one year of electricity cost?

Electricity in the US cost about ten cents per kilowatt-hour. The average family uses about 10,000 kilowatt-hours per year. So that's about $1,000 per year. This is one of the reasons why alternative energy is so difficult to implement--your electricity is really a bargain.

How many kilowatt-hours of electricity are used to produce 3.00kg of Magnesium in the electrolysis of molten MgCl2 with an applied emf of 4.50 V?

38.6 kWh

What will be the electric consumption if a cilling fan running for 12 hours?

-- Look on the data plate on the fan, or in the little information bookletthat came with it. Find the number of watts it uses when it's running...... It may be a number with 'W' after it...... It may be a number with 'VA' after it...... If the only number you find is one with 'Amp' or 'A' after it, multiply itby 120 in the USA, or by 240 outside of North America.-- Multiply the number you have now by 0.012 . The result is the electric consumptionof the fan in 12 hours of running, in 'Kilowatt-hours' ... KWH . That's the number thatappears on both the electric meter and the monthly bill.Reasonable numbers might be something in the range of 0.6 to 2 .

Will turning off electrical circuit for three to four hours a day save electricity on hot days?

Turning off any unnecessary electrical equipment will save energy - no matter what the weather is ! The trouble is - many people prefer to leave TV's etc on 'stand-by' rather than switch them off completely. Even if a TV is on stand-by - it's still using electricity - since the circuit that checks for a signal from the remote is still active !Boiling a cup of water in the microwave (instead of using a kettle) uses much less electricity !

Related questions

How do you calculate watts on your electricity bill?

To calculate the watts on your electricity bill, you would need to look at the wattage of each electrical device in your home (which can usually be found on the device itself or in the user manual) and the number of hours each device is used per day. Multiply the wattage by the number of hours used per day to calculate the watt-hours for each device, then sum all the watt-hours to get the total watts consumed over a billing cycle.

What is the difference between Watts and Kilowatt-hours?

Watts means the electric power and kilowatthours means electric energy. Compare: Cheers ebs

Electric energy usage on your electric bill is measured how?

Electric energy usage is typically measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh) on your electric bill. This measurement indicates the amount of electricity consumed over a specific period of time. The meter on your property records the total kilowatt-hours used, and this data is then used to calculate your electricity bill.

Do you use blankets over an electric blankets?

no. r u kidding me!! Yes my wife and I do use an electric blanket with one or two other blankets. We have for years. We are very safety and health minded, so our process is to turn on the blanket 2-3 hours before we go to bed, then turn it off so we are not exposed to the normal EMF radiation from any electric current. We do not have the blanket on when we are not home to monitor it. We are mindful to never fold or bend the internal resistance wiring.

What does an electric company use to determine how many kilowatt hours of energy are used by a household?

An electricity meter

The Electric companies charge a home on the basis of consumption of?

Electricity. The more electricity a home consumes, the higher the bill will be. Charging is typically based on the number of kilowatt-hours used during a billing cycle.

How much electricity does an electric blanket use?

an electric blanket uses 200 watts(wattage). If you left your electric blanket on for 10 hours you might end upwith a 30 to 50 cent fine.

What does the electric company charge you for?

The electric company charges you for the electricity you use in your home or business. This charge is typically based on the amount of electricity consumed, measured in kilowatt-hours. Additionally, there may be additional fees for connection, maintenance, and administrative costs.

How do electric companies calculate electric energy being used?

Electric companies typically calculate electric energy usage by measuring the amount of electricity consumed in kilowatt-hours (kWh). This is done using electric meters that monitor the flow of electricity into a property over a given period of time. The total energy usage is then calculated based on the amount of power consumed and the duration of usage.

Electricity for average home use?

The average home in the United States uses around 877 kWh (kilowatt-hours) of electricity per month. This can vary based on factors like the size of the home, number of occupants, and energy efficiency measures in place. The cost of this electricity will depend on the local utility rates.

Does a electric meter measure the number of protons in a current?

No, an electric meter measures the amount of electric charge passing through a circuit per unit time. The number of protons in a current is not relevant to the measurement of electricity by an electric meter.

The electric company charges 3 cents per kilowatt hours George used 2800 kilowatt hours in April 3200 kilowatt hours in may and 3600 kilowatt hours in June what is the average cost of electricity for?

The total cost for April is $84 (2800 kWh * $0.03), for May it is $96 (3200 kWh * $0.03), and for June it is $108 (3600 kWh * $0.03). The total cost for the three months is $288 ($84 + $96 + $108). The average monthly cost is $96 ($288 / 3 months).