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Fixed costs are costs that cannot be changed in the short-term without causing significant harm to the organization. Because you cannot change them, you should not consider them in comparative analysis of alternatives.

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Q: Why are variable costs more relevant than fixed costs in short-term decision making?
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Is variable cost a relevant cost?

No. If a variable cost does not differ between alternatives than it is irrelevant.

Are sunk costs ever relevant for decision-making purposes?

NO, its cost which was wasted in past we can not recover it so it is not relevant for decision making.

Why is decision making relevant to planning?

When planning, there are different options that could be chosen. Decision making is relevant to planning because decisions as to the best options need to be made.

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What is the difference between relevant cost and irrelevant cost?

Relevant cost is that cost which is required for the specific decision making process or the cost which will be change due to specific decision while irrelevant cost has no concern with decision making or any specific decision.

What is the distinction between relevant cost and irrelevant cost?

Relevant cost is that cost which is necessary for the underlying decision in decision making process while irrelevant cost is not necessary to be decision to be made.

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Are all future cost are relevant in decision making?

Future costs are relevant in decision making if the decision will affect their amounts. For example, suppose you're trying to decide whether to drive to work or take the bus. Relevant future costs information includes (1) the cost of gasoline and tolls needed to drive to and from work and (2) the cost of bus fare because both of these costs depend on your decision. However, future costs that won't change - such next month's rent on your apartment - are not relevant because, regardless of your decision, they will not change. Note that past costs are never relevant in decision making.

All future costs are relevant in decision making?

Future costs are relevant in decision making if the decision will affect their amounts. For example, suppose you're trying to decide whether to drive to work or take the bus. Relevant future costs information includes (1) the cost of gasoline and tolls needed to drive to and from work and (2) the cost of bus fare because both of these costs depend on your decision. However, future costs that won't change - such next month's rent on your apartment - are not relevant because, regardless of your decision, they will not change. Note that past costs are never relevant in decision making.

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What economic conditions are relevant in managerial decision making?

There are seven economic conditions which are relevant in managerial decision making. The conditions are market structure, supply and demand condition, technology, government regulation, international dimensions, future conditions and macroeconomic factors.

How is relevant costing useful in determining the good business decision making?

Relevant costing is important to good business decision making because it allows a company to price their goods and services for maximum sales. Without the ability to make sales, no business will survive.