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There is no evidence that either gender is any more intelligent than the other.

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Q: Why are women smarter than man?
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Why women's watches don't have numbers?

because woman make the watches and they are trying to say we are smarter than men. other than that try shopping for watches at a different store!

Are men or women smarter?

People have been trying to answer this question ever since men and women existed, and that's hundreds of thousands of years! IAMMEANDOLYME's Answer is: Some women are smarter than some men, and some men are smarter than some women. In studies has been proven that girls do better in school than boys, and that boys tend to do better on important tests (SAT, IQ). Some studies that aren't known for their accuracy have found that on average young men (18-25) have IQs that are on average 5 points higher than those of women of the same age. It has also been shown with studies that women have IQs an average of 10-15 points higher than mens once they reach age 40. When figuring out which gender is smarter, you need to remember that not all people in one gender are the same, and there are many factors that can effect a persons IQ score and how smart they are (religion, school, environment, teachers, religion, etc.). That concludes IAMMEANDONLYME's answer.

Is it a proven fact that woman are smarter than men?

It is not a proven fact that women are smarter than men, as intelligence is a complex and multifaceted trait that cannot be definitively measured or compared across genders. Research has shown that there are no inherent cognitive differences between men and women, and any perceived variations in intelligence are likely due to social, cultural, and environmental factors. It is important to recognize and celebrate the unique strengths and abilities of individuals regardless of gender.

Has a girl been smarter than a boy?

Yes, there has been at least one girl who was smarter than at least one boy.

Are boys better at math then girls?

Science proves that women are academically smarter than men.

Related questions

Is man smarter than a woman?

It depends on the development of the brain. Although most women have a little more developed cerebrum

When is a man smarter than a woman?

Depends on the situation. No sex is smarter than the other, but individuals can be.

Women Vs Men An intellectual war?

No sex is smarter than the other. Men are better at certain things and women are better at other things. For insance, a man will do better with directions based on street signs while women tend to do better with landmarks. To say one sex is inherently smarter than the other is just a false statement.

Are women smarter than guys?

well it depends on what age you are and how good you are

Are machines smarter than humans?

No,machines are not smarter than man as: 1]Machines are made by man so they cannot be smarter than man.Though some machines can learn things on their own this is because they are programmed to learn things own their own selves, but man programmed machines so man is smarter than machines. 2]Machines are very dumb things if you see them clearly. They fail to do aything without the guidance and programming of us humans. 3]A machine cannot feel,understand,express emotions.Neither can it understand a situation. Therefore,I believe that man is smarter than machines

Do women have better test results?

No actually men are smarter than women. Men just are lazy

Why more women have degrees than men?

the do because the women are smarter than men because men brain work like a peanut thinking

What Sex is typically smarter than the other?

If you were a man, you wouldn't be asking at all.

What did the Oracle of Delphi tell a friend of Socrates?

that no man was smarter than socrates

Do they have robots smarter than human?

Not yet. Some are better at very fine work. But not smarter. When they do get smarter than man we will probably end up in a situation that looks a lot like the TV Series Battlestar Galatica

Is anyone smarter than a fifth grader on are you smarter than a fifth grader?

no no one has yes, i saw two shows where a man and a woman both got the bonus question.

Do women remember more the men?

yes women remember more than men because they are smarter!!! hahaha! just joking!