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Q: Why are your hands different sizes?
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What is the width of a hand on a clock?

Different clocks have hands of different sizes.

How many conkers can you hold in two hands?

As I understand it conkers come in many sizes- and people have different hands , so that's really an impossible question

Why do breasts vary in size?

Hands vary in size from person to person. Your left hand is a different size than your right hand. Your feet are different sizes.

What are the advantages of using a man hand as a unit of length?

You will always have your measuring device with you. The problems is that everyone's hands will be different sizes and it will only work for you.

Why are raindrops different sizes?

why are raindrops different sizes?

Has a watch got a cog or a gear?

An analogue watch/clock does, it has many in fact. Due to the different sizes, they all spin at different speeds, creating the second, minutes and hour hands!

Why are shapes and sizes of cell different?

Cells are different shapes and sizes because they have different functions. The functions dictate the shapes and sizes.

Why are euros different sizes?

They are different sizes to aid the blind/visually impaired

Are peacoks eggs small?

Peafowl (peacock and peahen) eggs are relatively large compared to other bird species. They are typically about the size of a domestic chicken egg, but with a thicker shell.

Why do shells have different shapes and sizes?

Shells have different shapes and sizes due to a variety of factors such as predator deterrence, protection, and ease of burrowing or attachment to surfaces. The shape and size help the shell perform specific functions, like providing protection for the organism inside or allowing for efficient movement or feeding. Additionally, genetic factors and environmental conditions can also influence the development of shells.

Does a trampoline enclosure come in different sizes?

Yes they in fact go come in different sizes to accommodate the different sizes of trampolines. There are also some which are adjustable as well.

Can a square with different sizes have the same perimiter?

There's no such thing as "a square with different sizes". I'm thinking that youmust have meant "two squares with different sizes". The answer is still "no".