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There aren't any sink holes where a sandstone is found at the surface because sink holes are used for water to go through it and not other stuff or it will block water from going through. Anyway there aren't any on the ground because it doesn't belong there.

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Q: Why aren't sink holes found in areas where a sandstone is found at the surface?
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Where are sandstones found?

Sandstones are found in prehistoric beach or desert deposition areas that were covered in other sediments, then lithified.

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Sandstone is grainy, porous, and can be found to contain fossils.

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Sandstone, there were 3 types found: yellow-brown sandstone, red sandstone, and greywacke (which is a hard sandstone)

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Where can you find sandstone?

Sandstone can typically be found in areas where there were ancient sand dunes or beach environments, such as near coastlines, deserts, or riverbeds. It is a common sedimentary rock that is often used in construction and landscaping due to its durability and aesthetic appeal.

What rock are The sandstone arches found in Arches National Park Utah?

Over 2000 sandstone arches are in the park.

What elements are found in sandstone?

Sandstone is primarily composed of quartz, feldspar, and clay minerals. Other common minerals present in sandstone include mica, calcite, and iron oxides. These minerals give sandstone its characteristic texture and color.

Can sandstone that began as coral be found on a continent?

Yes, sandstone that originated from coral reefs can be found on continents. This type of sandstone forms when coral reefs are buried and compressed over millions of years. As continents shift and change over time, these sandstone deposits can become part of the continental crust.