If you allow division by zero it leads to results which are indeterminate or even nonsensical.
A proof that 1 = 2 always relies on a division by zero cunningly hidden in the algebra.
0 cannot be divided
0 is nothing, you cannot divide a number by nothing, it would be the same as putting the number then the divide symbol and not putting another number in.
my calculator says 1 cant be divided by 0 ........ so its impossible!
Zero has no number quality, so ) divided by any number is 0.
0 cannot be divided
0 is nothing, you cannot divide a number by nothing, it would be the same as putting the number then the divide symbol and not putting another number in.
Not possible. No number can be divided by 0.
Not possible. No number can be divided by 0.
0 divided by any number is equal to 0.
my calculator says 1 cant be divided by 0 ........ so its impossible!
Zero has no number quality, so ) divided by any number is 0.
yes! 0 divided by 8 is zero- which is a rational number
The answer is 0. 0 divided by any non-zero number gives the answer 0. Division by 0 is not defined.
Undefined: You cannot divide by zero