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Q: Why can't data be connected on a line segment?
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A line segment may have more than midpoint?

A line segment cannot have more than one midpoint or else you will be creating multiple line segments that are connected to each other. A line segment can only have one midpoint.

A line segment may have more than one midpoint?

A line segment cannot have more than one midpoint or else you will be creating multiple line segments that are connected to each other. A line segment can only have one midpoint.

How is a line segment and a line the same?

They're not. A line segment is just two points connected. A line however, goes on forever in both directions. And then there's a ray that goes on forever in just one direction.

A set of points between two endpoints?

A line segment is a set of points between the two main end points. A line segment is always connected and has no open spaces.

What is a side of a geometric figure or drawing?

In most general terms, a side is a line segment that is part of the figure in question. It is connected at either end to another line segment, which, in turn, may or may not be connected to still other line segments. A line segment joined at either end by two others which, in turn, were joined together would make a triangle. And more figures can be made by continuing to add line segments.

What graph uses points connected by line segments to display data?

line graph

Explain do can a line segment have two mid points?

No, because if there is more than one midpoint then it will be like multiple line segments connected together. You can't have two midpoints or more, but you can have one to divide the line segment in half.

Which letter looks like two parallel line segment connected by a curve?

The letter is a capital U

What does a line segment look like in math?

A line segment in math is a straight line that connects two points. It has a starting point and an ending point, and it does not continue infinitely in both directions like a line does. A line segment is represented by a line with a starting point and an ending point marked with endpoints.

A way to show data in which points are connected with lines?

a line graph.

What are all of the types of line segments?

Line segment AI, line segment BG, line segment GH and line segment CE

What is a 3 sided figure with two perpendicular line segment?

Cant you google somewhere else? idiot