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We have no problem fitting an equilateral triangle into a square. It depends on the size of the triangle and the size of the square whether one can be fit inside the other.

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Q: Why can't you fit an equilateral triangle in a square?
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What Two angle measures of this triangle are 60 and deg. Which type of triangle is it?

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The question appears to be incomplete, but an equilateral triangle, seems to fit the answer.

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A square would fit the given description

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A square would fit the given description

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-- An 'acute triangle' is a triangle in which each of the three interior angles is an acute angle. -- Each of the three interior angles in every equilateral triangle is a 60-degree angle. -- Any angle of less than 90 degrees is an acute angle. -- It sure looks like every equilateral triangle does fit the definition of 'acute triangle'.

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A triangle CAN fit that description, if it is "equilateral" (equi means equal, later- means sides, so "equilateral" means all sides are equal). If all sides are equal then all angles will be, too.

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The circle - the rest are polygons.

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Cube, because it is 3 - dimensional while a square, an oval, a circle, and a triangle are all 2 dimensional.

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Very many if they are much smaller than the hexagon.If the square is to have the same length side as an equilateral hexagon and you are not allowed to cut the square then one.If you are allowed to cut the square but it (they) have to have the same length side as an equilateral hexagon then: about 2.6 [Exactly (3 * (Sqrt 3)) / 2 ]