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Q: Why can't you fly straight up wait for the earth to turn go straight down and land somewhere else?
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beat the pokemon league then go to snowpoint city. go to the gym and then travel straight down and somewhere aroung there will be a ship. then u can travel to and island that has the hoen kanto and johto region pokemon.

Is it possible for earth to spin off its axis?

no it is not. the earth is straight up and down. so is the sun.

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I can narrow it down to somewhere on the planet Earth. Hope that helped.

What type of energy does the pendulum have when hanging straight down?

When a pendulum is hanging straight down, it has gravitational potential energy. This energy is due to its position in the Earth's gravitational field.

Is the earth axis straight up and down?

No earth's axis is tilted, this tilt shifts over time.

If earth's axis were straight up and down relative to the sun?

Then we wouldn't have any seasons.

What can a helicopter do that other types of aircraft cant?

It can take off and land straight up and down, and it can hover in one place.

Is there a planet whos axis is strieght up and down?

There is no such thing as straight up and down in space. We, living on Earth, say that something might be straight up and down, but we are relating that to Earth's gravity. If you're in space, what is 'up'? Towards the Earth? Towards the Sun? Or towards somethig else? And that 'something else' might vary from time to time.

How would an astronaut aboard a space shuttle go about dropping an object down to earth?

you cant moron there's no gravity in space there for you can not drop something down to earth from space.

When is earth straight up and down?

Earth is tilted on its axis, so it is never completely straight up and down. The tilt is about 23.5 degrees, which is what causes the seasons as different hemispheres receive more direct sunlight at different times of the year. This tilt remains relatively constant as Earth orbits the sun.

Why does a ball arch when thrown and not in a straight line?

The gravity from Earth pulls it down, thus changing its direction.The gravity from Earth pulls it down, thus changing its direction.The gravity from Earth pulls it down, thus changing its direction.The gravity from Earth pulls it down, thus changing its direction.

If a ball is tossed at 30m.s. how long will it take to come down?

That would depend on which angle the ball is thrown at, straight up, horizontal or somewhere inbetween.