The gravity from Earth pulls it down, thus changing its direction.
The gravity from Earth pulls it down, thus changing its direction.
The gravity from Earth pulls it down, thus changing its direction.
The gravity from Earth pulls it down, thus changing its direction.
Ballistics is just what it sounds like. A cannon ball was fired over and over and a statistical record was kept. Weight of the ball, powder used and cannon angle. The ball will have straight linear motion with gravity thrown in for fun. You can be traveling in a very straight forward motion, but be falling also. Newton had this all figured out.
because the earth is round like a ball!
It will travel in a straight line as far as the x and z axises are concerned however in the Y axis the bodies path will be a inverted parabolic.
Yes. If it is not straight, then it is not a line.
If air resistance is taken into account, the ball would continue moving in a horizontal direction, slowing as it went and then stop - suspended in mid air. If there were no air resistance, the ball would continue to move in a straight line for ever. However, the surface of the earth would curve downwards (because it is a sphere) and so, relative to the earth, the ball would fly off at a tangent into space. Of course, all this begs the question as to why the person who threw the ball did not fly off onto space long before throwing the ball!
It would travel in a straight line until air resistance brought it to a standstill. It would then hover at that point - in mid-air forever. If air resistance is also removed from the scenario an even stranger thing will happen. The ball will continue in a straight line forever. But, because of the curvature of the earth, the earth's surface will drop away so that the ball will actually fly off into space. One problem with this thought experiment is that the concept of a "straight" line depends on gravity.
This is due to Newtons first law. Because their is no gravity the object will move in a straight line unless a outside force is applied to it. Such as the gravity of a near by planet/object.
An apple dropping from a tree... think Isac Newton!Or a ball being thrown, or anything that moves forward in a straight line really
When a ball is thrown, the force of gravity affects its trajectory, causing it to follow a curved path instead of a straight line. Additionally, air resistance and spin on the ball can also contribute to the curve as it travels through the air. This combination of factors leads to the typical arc path that we observe when a ball is thrown.
If there was no gravity, the ball would not fall back down to the ground after being thrown. It would continue in a straight line with the same speed and direction it was thrown with until it was affected by another force.
After the ball has been thrown it begins to slow down, and gravity begins to take effect until the ball loses momentum and it stirkrs the ground and finally comes to a stop.
If the air is still, then the ball would move in a straight line, and come to a slow eventual stop due to friction with that air. If the air is moving, then the ball will slow down and eventually be moving around with the air, the amount of which would depend on the mass of the ball and the friction it has with the air. If it's in a perfect vacuum, then it will simply keep moving in a straight line at the speed that it was released at.
If gravity did not affect a horizontally thrown ball, it would travel in a straight line horizontally at a constant velocity. Gravity only acts vertically, causing the ball to fall towards the ground, so without this vertical force, the horizontal motion would remain unaffected.
Ballistics is just what it sounds like. A cannon ball was fired over and over and a statistical record was kept. Weight of the ball, powder used and cannon angle. The ball will have straight linear motion with gravity thrown in for fun. You can be traveling in a very straight forward motion, but be falling also. Newton had this all figured out.
Forward of the ball carrier In open play the ball may only be passed from the hand directly in alignment with the passing player to the receiver or behind the player passing the ball to the receiving player. In a line out the ball must travel down the centre of the gap between the two teams. If the ball is thrown more to the throwers own team the referee will blow his whistle and a penalty is awarded for not straight.
its sort of the invisible line where the quarterback throws the ball, and once the ball is thrown the QB cant run forward. :) I think
'Straight' means to pass the ball directly forwards, in a line parallel to the sidelines, i.e. straight up the field.