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wind resistance cannot be ignored in considering a simple pendulum. The wind resistance will be proportional to a higher power of the velocity of the pendulum. A small arc of the pendulum will lessen this effect.

You could demonstrate this effect for yourself. A piece of paper attached to the pendulum will add to the wind resistance, and you can measure the period both with and without the paper.

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Q: Why degree of amplitude of simple pendulum should not exceed 5?
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The lenth of second's pendulum of the earth is about 1 m What should be the length of second's pendulum on the moon?

If the length of the second pendulum of the earth is about 1 meter, the length of the second pendulum should be between 0.3 and 0.5 meters.

Can an ideal simple pendulum realize?

no we cannot realize an ideal simple pendulum because for this the string should be weightless and inextendible.

Should demodulated output ideally depend on carrier amplitude?

In an AM system, definitely. In any other system, amplitude variations are intentionally ironed out, by hard limiting, before demodulation.

What is the motion of a pendulum in water?

The motion of a pendulum in water will be similar to what it is in air, except it will move more slowly and loose energy much more rapidly (unless something with some "power" is keeping it going). The speed of the pendulum should graph like a sine wave with the peaks and troughs denoting the endpoints of the travel of the pendulum in its arc. The slope of the curve at any point will represent the instantaneous acceleration. If the pendulum is released and no energy is put in from outside, the graph of the speed will diminish very quickly and dramatically.

How does a pendulum bob filled with sand and a hole at bottom affect the time period?

At the extremities of the pendulum's swing, the sand leaving the bob could exert a force on the bob. Provided that this force is negligible and also, provided the mass of the bob (with or without the sand) is large compared with the rest of the pendulum, the time period should not be affected.

Related questions

What are the precautions while finding the time of a simple pendulum?

When finding the time period of a simple pendulum, ensure that the amplitude of the swing is small, as larger amplitudes can introduce errors in the calculation. Make sure the pendulum is released from rest each time and avoid air resistance by conducting the experiment in a vacuum or minimizing the effects of air resistance as much as possible. Triple-check the length of the pendulum and measure it accurately to get precise results.

Would you keep the amplitude of simple pendulum small or large?

It is preferable to keep the amplitude of a simple pendulum small because larger amplitudes can lead to nonlinear behavior and make the system harder to analyze. Keeping the amplitude small ensures that the motion remains approximately harmonic, simplifying calculations and predictions.

Why should bob of simple pendulum be kept near the floor?

Keeping the bob of a simple pendulum near the floor reduces the potential energy of the pendulum system, making it less likely to swing with a high amplitude and potentially cause damage or injury. It also reduces the risk of the pendulum hitting the ceiling and disrupting the motion.

Why you should keep the amplitude of simple pendulum small?

Keeping the amplitude of a simple pendulum small helps maintain the simple harmonic motion, making the period of oscillation constant. For larger amplitudes, the motion becomes more complex and deviates from simple harmonic motion. Additionally, small amplitudes ensure that the restoring force is directly proportional to the displacement, as assumed in the theory of simple harmonic motion.

The lenth of second's pendulum of the earth is about 1 m What should be the length of second's pendulum on the moon?

If the length of the second pendulum of the earth is about 1 meter, the length of the second pendulum should be between 0.3 and 0.5 meters.

What is the amplitude of an X ray?

There is no specific amplitude for each type of wave. You should consider the amplitude to be the loudness of the wave for example the louder the sound the larger the amplitude.

What is the maximum length that a title should not exceed?

a title should not exceed Ten words

What is the maximum length that a title should exceed?

a title should not exceed Ten words

What is the maximum length that title should not exceed?

a title should not exceed Ten words

Should you turn the screw up or down to make a pendulum go faster on a clock?

Turning the screw up will make the pendulum go faster on a clock. The screw adjusts the length of the pendulum, and a shorter pendulum will swing faster.

Can an ideal simple pendulum realize?

no we cannot realize an ideal simple pendulum because for this the string should be weightless and inextendible.

Why string should be unstretchable in pendulum?

A string should be unstretchable in a pendulum to ensure that the length of the pendulum remains constant, which is crucial for maintaining the periodicity of its motion. If the string stretches, it would change the effective length of the pendulum and affect its period of oscillation.