There are two syllables divided like so: di-vide.
Add the two numbers together. Divide the sum by 2. That is the median.
for two numbers: a + bi and c + di in rectangular format: (a + bi)/(c + di) can be calculated as follows: Multiply numerator and denominator by complex conjugate of the denominator: ( c - di). This gives (ac - bd + bci - bdi) / (c2 + d2). Now the denominator is a real number. If you have them in polar form: Magnitude<Angle. Then divide the magnitudes and subtract the angles.
Diploid. The 'di' prefix means two.
No.Suppose bi and di are two complex purely imaginary numbers such that b and d are real.Thenbi * di = bdi2 = -bd which is real.
There are two syllables divided like so: di-vide.
The word "divide" has two syllables. (di-vide)
Add the two numbers together. Divide the sum by 2. That is the median.
cause they wanted to
suck my di**
Dioxide, disgrace, disciple, divide.
'di' is a prefix, not a suffix, and it means 'two'