because king heroin challenged Archimedes to bring a ship to the beach single handedly. so archimendes thought and thought then came up with the pully
a pulley that Archimedes made
Archimedes accurately estimated the value of pi. He was also the Greek inventor that created the compound pulley and first device used for extracting water from below the surface of the earth as well.
Archimedes obstacles were simply that the things in life he had were not good enough and he had the will to improve and make new ideas to make people's lives easier.
He invented the Lifting screw -which lifts water up to a higher level, pulley-which makes lifting heavy objects much easier, Golden Crown, as well as the Catapult,the Burning mirror and the lever The arkamedes screw... 1gameboyc's comment, Wrong! I study Archimedes and he did not invent the lever. The lifting screw is known as the Archimedes screw.. it was invented in the 3rd century
He is only known as Archimedes of Syracuse ( now Sicily).
a pulley that Archimedes made
Yes. Archimedes did invent the pulley.
Archimedes invent the compound pulley around 250 BC. The invention was to utilize leverage to make moving a heavy object easier.
maybe the pulley but not the lever he invented the pulley but not the lever
one was the pulley. Another is called Archimedes screw. Its purpose was to bring water from a lower level to a higher one.