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Q: Why did Archimedes make the screw pump?
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When was the Archimedes screw pump invented?


How did the Archimedes screw help the Eygptians?

Archimedes' Screw was one of the earliest kinds of pump, used by the Egyptians to lift water for irrigation of crops.

What does the Archimedes water screw do?

It moves water, much like a pump.

What was the date that Archimedes make the screw of Archimedes?

In the year 265 b.c

Who invented Archimedes' screw?

Archimedes invented Archimedes' screw.

What is an Archimedes screw used for?

an irrigation pump. The Archimedean or Archimedes Screw is a large spiral screw revolving inside a hollow, tight fitting cylinder. It was traditionally hand operated or wind operated by a windmill, and used to raise water efficiently by transferring water from low lying bodies of water into irrigation ditches.

Who were some of the the first mathematicians?

One of the more famous early mathematicians was Archimedes, who was born in 287BC Greece. Archimedes contributed a lot to the development of calculus, and was well known for making machinery, such as the Archimedes screw, an early pump

What did Archimedes invent that helped bring water from a lower level to a higher level?

He invented the Archimedes Screw, which was first used to pump bilge water out of ships. It is still used today for pumping liquids and granulated solids such as coal and grain. In 1839, a steamship with a screw propeller was launched - the SS Archimedes.

When was the Archimedes screw invented?

The Archimedes screw was invented in 250 B.C.

Who invented spiral water pump?

The screwpump, also known as Archimedes' screw, was attributed to Greek inventor Archimedes during his visit to Egypt, but may have been known and used much earlier.

When was the screw pump invented?

It can take the name of Archimedes Screw as he was one of the first to introduce the idea.Archimedes lived 287 BC to 212 BCAn animation can be seen at the link below.

What shape was Archimedes known for?

Archimedes is remembered (among many other things) for the Screw Pump which he invented to pump water out of a ship. It is an inclined,circular pipe containing a helix with its lower end dipped in the water. Turning the helix/screw around its shaft raises the waterin the pipe, thus liftingit and 'pumping' it to a higher level.