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They were in a straight line because of the type of guns in use in the 1700's. The guns were flintlock and could only fire one shot and by standing in a line they could fire a continual line of fire. This worked by the men in the front firing first and then going down on one knee while the men behind them fired over their shoulders. This went on through the next 3 lines and by the time the last line was done the first would be reloaded. When a man fell in the line he was moved out of the way and man behind him would fill in the space that was left open. After firing like this one or two more times they would attach the bayonet and walk forward as a line. If anyone was in their way they would be stabbed. Along with the sound of the drums, the shouting of the officers, and the red uniforms they looked like they meant business. They were the best trained army of their time.

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Q: Why did the British shoulders fight in a straight line?
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