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Q: Why didn't the elders to allow birthmothers have four babies instead of three?
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Why didn't the elders decide to allow birthmothers to have four baby instead of three in the giver?

The decision to limit birthmothers to three babies instead of four was likely made by the Elders as a way to control population growth within the community. By restricting births to three per birthmother, they could manage and maintain a stable population size without putting excessive strain on resources. Additionally, keeping the birth limit at three may have been a way to maintain order and conformity within the society's strict rules and regulations.

Why didn't the elders decide to allow birth-mothers have four babies instead oh three.?

Cuz they were not allowed to

Do children pray in a mosque?

No. Children prayers with their elders. It is preferable that they move to the back to allow the elders to focus on their parayers. The Prpohet (PBUH) loved children and encouraged their presence in the mosques.

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if god will allow them to have more children they have as many as god will allow

Do children pray separately in a mosque?

No. Children prayers with their elders. It is preferable that they move to the back to allow the elders to focus on their parayers. The Prpohet (PBUH) loved children and encouraged their presence in the mosques.

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I'm pretty sure that most countries allow people to have babies.

Should you allow women to have babies at the age of 45?

No one has the right to allow or deny pregnancy. No one should have that right.

Is it true that babies are born with 300 bones but by audlt hood they have 206?

That is true. Babies have bones that have not connected completely, to allow for room to grow.

In what episode of charmed does Piper marry Leo?

Piper and Leo tried to marry 2 times first in "Magic Hour". They are caught by the elders though and Leo is taken away. The elders allow him to come back in the episode "Once upon a time" this time they are allow to marry if they can proof their relationship is strong enough to survive. Finally, they really marry in Just Harried.

Why can't males have babies?

Because they don't have the same reproductive organs that allow them to carry the baby.

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A soft cloth such as cotton is generally recommended for babies clothing as it is cool and the fibres allow air to circulate around the babies skin. Cotton is also a very soft fabric so is comfortable and will not irritate the skin

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It is better if you don't get your goat kids pregnant until they are at least one year old or more to allow the goat to grow to its full potential and to allow the pelvic cavity to grow as well.