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Polynomials have graphs that look like graphs of their leading terms because all other changes to polynomial functions only cause transformations of the leading term's graph.

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Q: Why do all polynomials have graphs that look like the graphs of their leading terms?
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Related questions

What are the rules in addition of polynomials?

Add together the coefficients of "like" terms. Like terms are those that have the same powers of the variables in the polynomials.

Hellllp meee. How do you add polynomials when you don't have any like terms?

Hellllp meee, how do you add polynomials when you don't have any like terms is a very common questions when it comes to this type of math. However, the polynomials can only be added if all terms are alike. No unlike terms can be added within the polynomials.

What are the operation of polynomials?

Adding and subtracting polynomials is simply the adding and subtracting of their like terms.

Division of Monomials and Polynomials by Monomials?

to multiplya polynomial by a monomial,use the distributive property and then combine like terms.

How do you add polynomials with dissimilar terms?

To add polynomials with dissimilar terms, you simply combine like terms by collecting the terms with the same variables and exponents. If a variable or exponent is not present in one polynomial, you leave it as it is. Then, you can add or subtract the coefficients of the like terms to arrive at your final answer.

Is x2 plus 27 a polynomial?

Yes, although we generally refer to polynomials with two terms, like this one, as binomials.

How do you divide polynomials?

dividing polynomials is just like dividing whole nos..

Is 6x-5 a monomial?

no it is a binomial. terms in an algebriac expression are separated by addition or subtraction ( + or -) symbols and must not be like terms. then just count the terms. one term = monomial, 2 terms = binomial, 3 terms = trinomial. More than 3 terms are usually just referred to as polynomials.

What are the disadvantages of using graphs?

I like graphs, no disadvantages.

How is multiplying polynomials different from adding them?

When you add polynomials, you combine only like terms together. For example, (x^3+x^2)+(2x^2+x)= x^3+(1+2)x^2+x=x^3+3x^2+x When you multiply polynomials, you multiply all pairs of terms together. (x^2+x)(x^3+x)=(x^2)(x^3)+(x^2)(x)+(x)(x^3)+(x)(x)=x^5+x^3+x^4+x^2 Basically, in addition you look at like terms to simplify. In multiplication, you multiply each term individually with every term on the opposite side, ignoring like terms.

What are two population graphs?

Its easy its like the most popular graphs u usually hear.

Why do you have graphs?

People like pictures