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Bricks have more density whereas feathers have less comparatively. Space occupied ie volume = mass/ density. So space occupied is inversely related to the density. Hence feathers occupy more space than the bricks.

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Q: Why do bricks take up less space than feathers equaling the same weight as the bricks?
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Why does a kilogram of bricks take up a much smaller space than kilogram of feathers?

It takes alot more feathers to equal a kilogram than it does bricks

Which is bigger pound of bricks pound of feathers?

A pound of bricks and a pound of feathers weigh the same because they both weigh one pound. The difference lies in their volume, with bricks being denser and taking up less space compared to feathers.

What is heavier a ton of brings or a ton of feathers?

A ton of brings does not exist, but if you mean a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers, they both weigh the same - 2000lbs. A ton is an imperial unit of measuring weight - it doesn't measure volume (or space that on object takes up). A ton of bricks would be relatively compact, while a ton of feathers would take up an enormous amount of space.

Which is heavier a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?

A ton is a ton, whether bricks, feathers or shoes. So they weigh the same. However in reality, the space taken up by the feathers would also include a large amount of air (which has a lot of mass and therefore weight if you get enough of it), where bricks would be stacked together with little air between. The feathers would then weigh more when actually measured, but only because you aren't measuring just the feathers. ANS2: The ton is a mass unit--it measures how much "stuff" you have. Heaviness, how hard gravity pulls a mass to another object, is measured by weight units. The avoirdupois system uses the pound as a unit of mass. There are 2000 pounds in an avoirdupois ton. Weight is measured in slugs. Since a ton of feathers has the same mass as a ton of bricks we are left to determine which has a greater attraction to the earth (weight). Two factors determine this measurement: "How far is the center of gravity from the center of the earth?" and "Are there any countering forces?" In a pile of bricks, the center of gravity is slightly closer to the center of the earth than would be the center of gravity of a pile of feathers. The gravitational attraction on the bricks would be greater than on the feathers. Feathers occupy more space than bricks of the same mass and, therefore displace more air. Air would provide a buoyant force countering the force towards the center of the earth. For these two reasons, a ton of bricks weighs slightly more than a ton of feathers.

Why does a kilogram of bricks take up a smaller space than a kilogram of feathers?

the densities are different

Why does a kilogram of bricks take up much smaller space than a kilogram of feathers?

the densities are different

Why does a kilogram of bricks takes up a much smaller space than a kilogram of feathers?

Bricks have a higher density- the molecules are packed much more tightly.

Explain the differences between mass and weight with examples?

Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, while weight is the force exerted on an object due to gravity. Mass remains constant regardless of location, while weight can change depending on the gravitational pull. For example, an object with a mass of 5 kg will have the same mass on Earth and on the moon, but its weight will be different due to the difference in gravity.

Why does a kilogram of bricks take up a much smaller space than a kilogram of feathers?

Sand is denser than feathers. Since a given volume of a denser material has more mass than the same volume of a less dense material, when you make the masses the same, the volumes must vary.

Whats heavier a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?

A ton of x is neither heavier nor lighter than a ton of y - regardless of how heavy the individual units of x or y. Obviously, you would need a lot more feathers than bricks but that's another question entirely.

Has anyone ever weighed a ton of feathers?

Yes, a ton is a measure of weight, so weighing a ton of feathers is the same as weighing a ton of any other substance. Feathers are very lightweight, so a ton of feathers would take up a lot of space but would not be as dense or heavy as a ton of a denser material like metal or rock.

What is more dense- a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?

The answer is very much the same as the answer to the question: "Which weighs most, hot water, cold water, or water colored green ?" The answer, of course, is: That depends on how much you have of each substance. One thing we can definitely guarantee: A pound of bricks, a pound of cheese, and a pound of feathers all have precisely the same, identical, and indistinguishable weight.