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Bricks have a higher density- the molecules are packed much more tightly.

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Q: Why does a kilogram of bricks takes up a much smaller space than a kilogram of feathers?
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Which has more mass 1 kilogram of feathers or 1 kilogram of bricks?

Neither. They both have the same mass. "kg" is a measurement of mass. If you meant volume (the space taken up by the object), the feathers would have the greater volume.

Why do bricks take up less space than feathers equaling the same weight as the bricks?

Bricks have more density whereas feathers have less comparatively. Space occupied ie volume = mass/ density. So space occupied is inversely related to the density. Hence feathers occupy more space than the bricks.

Which is bigger pound of bricks pound of feathers?

A pound of bricks and a pound of feathers weigh the same because they both weigh one pound. The difference lies in their volume, with bricks being denser and taking up less space compared to feathers.

Why does a kilogram of sand takes up much less space than a kilogram?

A kilogram of sand takes up much less space than a kilogram of feathers because sand is denser than feathers. Density refers to how much mass is contained in a given volume. Since sand particles are heavier and more compact than feathers, they occupy less space for the same mass.

What is heavier a ton of brings or a ton of feathers?

A ton of brings does not exist, but if you mean a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers, they both weigh the same - 2000lbs. A ton is an imperial unit of measuring weight - it doesn't measure volume (or space that on object takes up). A ton of bricks would be relatively compact, while a ton of feathers would take up an enormous amount of space.

Related questions

Why does a kilogram of bricks take up a much smaller space than kilogram of feathers?

It takes alot more feathers to equal a kilogram than it does bricks

Why does a kilogram of bricks take up a smaller space than a kilogram of feathers?

the densities are different

Why does a kilogram of bricks take up much smaller space than a kilogram of feathers?

the densities are different

Why does a kilogram of bricks take up a smaller space than a kilogram of feather?

the densities are different

Which has more mass 1 kilogram of feathers or 1 kilogram of bricks?

Neither. They both have the same mass. "kg" is a measurement of mass. If you meant volume (the space taken up by the object), the feathers would have the greater volume.

Why does a kilogram of sand take up less space than a kilogram of feathers?

because sand is smaller than feathers and it would take up as much space with the sand , and if the feathers were there it would take up more space because its and larger object than the sand .

Why does a kilogram of bricks take up a much smaller space than a kilogram of feathers?

Sand is denser than feathers. Since a given volume of a denser material has more mass than the same volume of a less dense material, when you make the masses the same, the volumes must vary.

Why do bricks take up less space than feathers equaling the same weight as the bricks?

Bricks have more density whereas feathers have less comparatively. Space occupied ie volume = mass/ density. So space occupied is inversely related to the density. Hence feathers occupy more space than the bricks.

Which is bigger pound of bricks pound of feathers?

A pound of bricks and a pound of feathers weigh the same because they both weigh one pound. The difference lies in their volume, with bricks being denser and taking up less space compared to feathers.

Why does a kilogram of sand takes up much less space than a kilogram?

A kilogram of sand takes up much less space than a kilogram of feathers because sand is denser than feathers. Density refers to how much mass is contained in a given volume. Since sand particles are heavier and more compact than feathers, they occupy less space for the same mass.

What is more dense- a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?

The answer is very much the same as the answer to the question: "Which weighs most, hot water, cold water, or water colored green ?" The answer, of course, is: That depends on how much you have of each substance. One thing we can definitely guarantee: A pound of bricks, a pound of cheese, and a pound of feathers all have precisely the same, identical, and indistinguishable weight.

Would the volume of 1 kilogram of feathers have the same volume of 1 kilogram of gold?

No, 1 kilogram of feathers would take up more volume than 1 kilogram of gold. This is because feathers have a much lower density than gold, meaning they are less compact and take up more space for the same mass.