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because your ears actually have a tube that reaches to your mouth. it is small but it still counts and can be felt. a cold is bacteria building up in your mouth and back of your throat area. the bacteria grows and can clog the tubes that go to your ears, hence the ear plugging.

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Q: Why do ears get plugged up when you have a cold?
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Can plugged ears cause confusion memory loss and eye problems?

Plugged ears can cause feelings of disorientation and balance issues, which may contribute to confusion. However, memory loss and eye problems are less likely to be directly caused by plugged ears. If you are experiencing these symptoms, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation and diagnosis.

How can you hear sound if your plugging your ears?

No, your ears are Plugged! The only way you could is if you are not plugging your ears the correct way.

Why do the ears appear red on cold days?

because the blood rushes to your ears to warm them up .... but techinally it doesnt warm it up at all. thanks

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They plugged their ears with wax

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your ears are cold because your ears are made of cartilage and not much blood are getting to them.

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if there cold that mean just there cold it dosent mean anything just rap them up in a blanket

Some times you miss the balance while walking?

There are many reasons why you might not have balance while walking. Your ears could be plugged up for example.

How do you remove hikups?

It is by; drinking Water Plugged Ears. One should drink the entire glass of water with a straw and block both of his/her ears.

Why does my 2002 Galant get cold when moving?

Could be,low on coolant.a stuck open thermostat.a plugged up heater core.

How did Odysseus survive the sirens and scylla and charybdis?

He plugged the sirens ears and avoided the Charybdis

What are some natural home remedies for clearing plugged ears?

Olive oil, almond oil etc dropped into the ears to soften takes about a week

Why are kids ears red?

They always run around and get their ears cold.