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Because each is a pound. If it helps to visualize it, think of a pound of books being a small box and a pound of feathers being a very big box.

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Q: Why do es a pound of books and a pound of feathers weigh the same?
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What weighs more a pound of books or a pound of feathers?

The weigh the same. A pound is a pound is a pound no matter what the object is.

Does a pound of feathers weigh more than a pound of water.?

They weigh the same

Does a pound of bricks weigh more or a pound of feathers?

No, they should weigh the same.

What weighs more a pound of butter or a pound of feathers?

They both weigh the same as both of them originally weigh-in at a pound

Which is heavier a pound of feathers or a pound of books?

They weight the same: 1 pound.

Which weighs more a pound of coffee or a pound of feathers?

They weigh the same there both a pound.

What weighs more a pound of chicken or a pound of feathers?

Both weigh the same - a pound!

What is heavier a pound of bricks or s pound of feathers?

they both weigh the same.

Does a pound of feathers weigh more than a pound of iron what truly is the difference between the two?

No, a pound of feathers and a pound of iron weigh the same, as they both weigh one pound. The difference between the two is their density and composition - feathers are less dense and made of organic material, while iron is a denser metal.

Which weighs more a pound of feathers or a pound of beans?

they both weigh the same one pound.

Which weighs more a pound brick or feathers?

They weigh the same.

Which weighs less a pound of feathers or a pound or rocks?

A pound of feathers and a pound of rocks both weigh the same - one pound. The difference lies in the density of the objects; feathers are less dense, so a pound of feathers will take up more space than a pound of rocks.