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Q: Why do nails turn yellow after a period of time and length?
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Is nail polish good for your fingertoe nails?

I dont know wat FINGERTOE nails are but: Finger nails: its fine to wear nail polish on your finger nails. Dont keep it on for a long period of time because your nails will yellow ( which is NOT a pretty sight ) Try using nail hardeners by Sally Hansen. They worked for me and my nails are now LONG!!! Toe Nails: Toe are fine to paint. There actually easier to paint then finger nails. Once again you can use nail hardeners and that will make them stronger but remember to take it off in a couple of weeks so your toe nails wont turn YELLOW!

What will be the time period of occillatione length of the second pendulum is one third?

The time period of a pendulum is determined by its length and gravitational acceleration. If the length of the second pendulum is one third of the original pendulum, its time period would be shorter since the time period is directly proportional to the square root of the length.

When the length of a pendulum increases what will it effect on the time period?

The period is proportional to the square root of the length so if you quadruple the length, the period will double.

Why is nail polish bad for your fingers?

It's not bad for your fingers, but if you leave it on for long enough, it suffocates your nails because your nails can breath (believe it or not) so when you take off your polish and your nails are yellow, take a break from nail polish. In the mean time you can use fake nails to hide the yellow.

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If length of simple pendulem increases constantly during osscillation then what is effct on time period?

If the length of a simple pendulum increases constantly during oscillation, the time period of the pendulum will also increase. This is because the time period of a simple pendulum is directly proportional to the square root of its length. Therefore, as the length increases, the time period will also increase.

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The typical length of time from ovulation to the start of a period is around 14 days.

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Gestation time is the length of time that it takes from fertilization to birth.

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Length of time for repayment.