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People who self-harm do so because the want to feel in control usually of emotional pain, not like the common misconception to get attention, most actually hide their injury's. Also people cause self-injury because of the feeling they get think of the best feeling you have ever experienced and multiply it by a hundred, and you might get close to the feeling a cuter experiences.

Our brains are hardwired to release endorphins through the body when we experience pain. When we trip, fall, and scrape our knees, our brain releases those endorphins to help with our boo-boo. Self-injurers harm themselves intentionally to get the same endorphin rush.

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 1y ago

People engage in self-injury, such as cutting or burning themselves, for various reasons, including seeking relief from emotional pain or distress, attempting to regain a sense of control, expressing internal turmoil or emotional conflicts, or as a way to cope with overwhelming emotions. It is often a symptom of underlying mental health issues like depression, anxiety, or borderline personality disorder. It is crucial for individuals who self-injure to seek professional help to address the root causes and learn healthier coping strategies.

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What is considered as self injury by insurance companies?

Self-injury is any injury that a person receives by his or her own fault. This may include burning oneself, cutting oneself, or causing oneself to break a bone. Any injury that a personal deliberately causes onself is self-injury.

Does cutting themselves make emos feel better?

Self injury (cutting, burning, etc.) is not just an "emo" issue. It is, in fact, an issue affecting many people across society. In recent years, it has been brought more into the spotlight by subcultures like "emo", but people have been involved in self injury for centuries. For some people, self injury can become an addiction. These people usually have trouble expressing their emotions correctly so they resort to unhealthy practices like self injury for relief. Most often, self injury is a "release" of bottled up emotions, and, for a brief period of time can bring relief to painful feelings, but it is never a long lasting relief. Therefore the self injurer is likely to repeat the action to gain relief again; this is when it becomes an addiction. If anyone you know is hurting themselves on purpose, they NEED professional help. This is not an issue to be taken lightly or made fun of. Self injury is serious and, at times, life threatening.

Do emos self harm themselfs?

Some individuals who identify as emo may engage in self-harming behaviors, but it is not accurate to say that all emos engage in self-harm. Self-harm is a complex issue that can affect people from various backgrounds and subcultures. It is important to address mental health concerns and support individuals who may be struggling with self-harm.