Many people have trouble with math. They might have trouble because when they were little they didn't pay any attention in math or listen to what the teacher is saying/said. Maybe because they just don't like math. But you know your going to need math when you get older and even when young! So if your having trouble with math you should pay more attention and listen more to what the teacher is saying. She/He is not just telling you this because they have to teach it to you but your going to need to know this stuff when you get older. People use math today for buying things and measuring things and lots of other stuff!
I would assume math interventions would be for people who have trouble understanding math.
Good students should be able to do well both at math and essay writing. If you are having trouble with essay writing, you should do more reading. Everything that you read has something to teach you about writing.
people usually use logic in math and math in logic
Of course not. Certainly, you won't be bad at physics or engineering BECAUSE OF your math skills. You NEED math for physics, and both math and physics for engineering, so somebody who is not good at math is more likely to have trouble with physics or engineering.
math is used to show people the different ways math can be used such as fractions or decimals you name it
I would assume math interventions would be for people who have trouble understanding math.
Math is sometimes difficult because it has a lot steps to follow, even i have trouble sometimes, but as everyone says its there for a reason! It isn't for ALL people i have trouble but i know people who are great at math and never have problems
3 out of 2 people ---have--- trouble ---with--- fractions User: NO!
Not all people with aspergers like math. One of the aspergers myths, is that they all love and/or are gifted in math. However, some do seem like they're gifted in math, while others might have trouble.
Practice math problems and focus on ones you are having trouble with.
No. Math does invlove a lot of varibales, but a dyslexics main struggle is reading.
Reem seems unaware of the trouble for his math
Yes multiplication
Perhaps because 2 entirely different skill-sets are required?
Get a teacher to help you then you wonβt have trouble with your math.
Math is everywhere in this world, if you don't know math, you may be in big trouble, you may not have a job or get fired on your recent job.