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There are several reasons. Two of them are:
1. It is said to be aesthetically pleasing.
2. It allows standard sizes of paper, such as A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 etc and the B0, B1, etc where each size shares the measure for one side with its neighbour, and its other side is half that of its left neighbour and double that of the one to its right. The ratio of the two sides of any one of these sheets of paper is the Golden Ratio.

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Q: Why do people use the golden ratio?
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How is the golden ratio used in your daily life?

I use the Golden Ratio in my daily life to design websites.

Which ratio of your body measurements fits the Golden Ratio?

None. There are some measurements which, in some people, are approximately equal to the Golden Ratio but those same measurements, for other people, are not.

Why do some artists try to use the golden ratio in their artwork?

People say (and studies show) that this ratio is aesthetically pleasing. Of any rectangle, people like the golden rectangle the most. However, even though studies show a correlation between the ratio phi and beauty, it is important to know that these studies do not imply causation. Artists like to use it because the ratio is aesthetically pleasing, but I believe it has more to do with muscles in the eye and their movements being easier to encompass the whole picture than any of this golden ratio stuff.

What is the purpose of the golden ratio?

The purpose is to scare people

Did Maya civilization use golden ratio?

The Maya civilization used the golden ratio. This ratio is an irrational number that is approximately 1.618. It is wherein two quantities is equivalent to the ratio which is the same as the ratio of their sum to the larger of the two quantities.

How is Golden Ratio applied in your lives?

you can use it in stupid mosquitoes

Where is the golden ratio used?

It is used in nature all the time. Buds on plant stalks sprout using the Golden Ratio. When architects use the Golden ratio to design a building , the building looks good, and feels good. The Parthenon on the Acropolis in Athens, Greece is such a building. Good artist s often unconciously use the Golden Ratio ; the focus of a painting is never in the centre of the canvas, but at the golden ratio. The ratio is 1: 1.618.... or (phi) = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2 it is an Irrational number. It also goes by the names , Golden Number, Devine Section, God's Number, etc., Have a look in Wikioedia under 'Golden Ratio'.

How long has the golden ratio been around?

The golden ratio has been around forever, but people did not discover it until around the time of the early Egyptians.

How has the golden ratio fascinated people throughout the ages?

because it did.

What are the dimensions of the golden ratio?

The golden ratio is a pure number and so has no dimensions.The golden ratio is a pure number and so has no dimensions.The golden ratio is a pure number and so has no dimensions.The golden ratio is a pure number and so has no dimensions.

What is the golden ratio in art?

The golden ratio was a mathematical formula for the beauty. The golden ratio in the Parthenon was most tremendous powerful and perfect proportions. Most notable the ratio of height to width on its precise was the golden ratio.

What are the numbers for the golden ratio?

The numbers for the golden ratio are 1.618