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Plants die fast inside of a house because they may not be getting enough sunlight. Plants may also die if the temperature inside of the house is too hot or cold.

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Q: Why do plants die fast inside a house?
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Why can green plants survive but mammals could not survive without green plants?

mammals cant survived without green plants because that is their food and that how they live without green plants they will die.

Could animals survive without plants?

No because animals eat plants so if animals didnt eat plants the plants would die unless watered.

Will i die in 2 days?

yes, you are gonna die in five days. You are gonna die by a tiger in a zoo. So if i were you DO NOT GET OUT OF THE HOUSE. And DO NOT GO IN A ZOO EITHER.

Are the plants roots showing a positive or negative response?

If one root is bad that means the plant is going to die soon

How do you do a great magic trick?

The place that I learnt this from was from 'Gross Magic', and you'll need 4 canisters for this (you can get the canisters from a Gross Magic Set). You need to be waring a long sleeve top or jumper, other wise the trick won't work. You need an elastic band that will need to be hidden up your right sleeve along with a canister tucked inside the elastic band. Inside that canister, you need to have a die or something that will rattle inside it. Now you're ready to perform. Let a member of the audience choose the canister that they think the die is in. Pick it up with your right hand, rattle it, and it will sound like there's a die. Open it and there won't be a die. Let them choose another one and pick it up with your left hand, and it won't rattle. Open it and there won't be a die. Let them choose another one and pick it up with your right hand, rattle it, and it will sound like there's a die. Open it and there won't be a die...

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What happen to the plants placed inside the house for a long time?

If it does not get enough proper light, it may die because of the absence of sunlight. Water is not enough for plants to live on, since sunlight serves as the energy source for photosynthesis.

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What happens when plants get no water?

the plant withers and dies after its used the water inside of it.

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lithium batteries do die fast.

How will plants die from the detergents?

Plants Will Die From The Detergents By The Detergents Suffocating The Plants Then Leaving The Plants To Die.

What are the effects of household chemicals to household plants?

The plants would die, and smell. They would rot from the inside out, because the roots absorb the chemical, and then it goes through the rest of the plant.

Can birds die from being inside the house?

Well, it depends. If the bird is not familiar with its enviornment and habitat, it will possibly die. If it is a pet bird then it won't.

Who was the only president to have a child die inside the White House?

Willie Lincoln, son of Abraham and Mary ,died soon after the family moved into the White House.

What will happen to plants placed inside the house for a long time?

If it does not get enough proper light, it may die because of the absence of sunlight. Water is not enough for plants to live on, since sunlight serves as the energy source for photosynthesis.

Why do all organism need photosynthesis?

So that the plant doesn't die. Plants need it most to produce the plant's food inside its leaves, so the plant doesn't die.

In southern New England if a bat gets in your house in the winter Will it die if you put it back outside?

Eventually, yes. The bat getting inside your house does not render it immortal.