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Because it would usually be prohibitively expensive and time consuming to collect information from every single member of the population and because the law of large numbers is sufficiently robust to allow most characteristics of a population to be measured with sufficient accuracy from a sample.

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Q: Why do sociologists sample a population they are going to study?
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What is a sample study?

sample is the population we make our study about them.

Is the subset of the population chosen by the investigator for a study?

The subset of the population chosen by the investigator for a study is known as the sample. Sampling involves selecting a smaller group of individuals from a larger population to make inferences or generalizations about the broader population. The goal is for the sample to be representative of the population so that findings from the study can be applied more broadly.

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Which unit of analysis do most sociologists study?

The unit of analysis that most sociologists study are samples. Samples portray the characteristics of the larger population from which the samples are taken.Reference:Vissing, Y. (2011). Introduction to Sociology. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

How do sampling methods effect the rigor of a study?

A sample needs to be random and if not a simple random sample of the whole population then a stratified random sample (there are different ways to stratify). Otherwise the study is a waste of time.

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Which term refers to the people from the target population that are surveyed interview for a study?


What effect does non-random sample have on what you can say about the results of a study?

It means that the results of the study cannot be claimed to hold for the entire population from which the sample was drawn. The researchers can only claim that their results hold for the individuals selected into their sample.

Difference between sample and sampling frame?

A sample is a subset of a population that is selected for research or analysis. It represents a smaller group that is studied to make inferences about the larger population. A sampling frame, on the other hand, is a list of all the elements in the population from which the sample is drawn. It serves as the source from which the sample is selected and should ideally include all members of the population.

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What do ornithologists and sociologists have in common?

They both study things.