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It is called fecundity.

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Q: Why do some individuals produce more offspring than others what is this called?
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Some individuals produce more offspring than others.

What are the 4 key principles of natural selection?

1. Overproduction - more offspring are born than survive 2. Genetic Variation - there is variation in the population 3. Struggle to Survive - organisms with suitable variations will survive and reproduce 4. Differential Reproduction - suitable variations are passed on to offspring

Members of the same species will be expected to?

Members of the same species can breed and produce viable offspring that will, when mated with others of the same species, also produce viable offspring.

What is the maximum number of offspring that parent organisms can produce?

The maximum number of offspring that parent organisms can produce varies depending on the species. Some organisms can produce thousands of offspring in a single reproductive event, while others may only produce a few offspring. In general, organisms with shorter lifespans tend to produce more offspring compared to those with longer lifespans.

What is a term that describes why some individuals produce more offspring than others?

Differential reproductive success refers to the idea that some individuals within a population will produce more offspring than others, leading to variations in genetic traits being passed on to future generations.

How many offspring are made from a flower?

A flower can produce varying numbers of offspring through pollination and fertilization. Some flowers may produce many seeds, while others may produce only a few or even just one. Ultimately, the number of offspring will depend on the specific plant species and its reproductive strategy.

How many young do possums produce?

Opossums have 13 teats so can have no more than 13 offspring. Any others beyond 13 will die..

Why does evolution take a long time?

Evolution is a slow process because it involves changes in genetic material that accumulate over many generations through natural selection. In order for evolution to occur, beneficial mutations must arise and spread through a population, which can take a long time due to factors like population size, generation time, and environmental pressures. The complexity and intricacies of life also contribute to the gradual pace of evolution.

What is it called when someone does better at something when others are around?

This phenomenon is called social facilitation. It refers to the tendency for individuals to perform better on tasks when they are in the presence of others rather than when alone.

What is the tendency for an individual to observe a situation for cues about how about how he or she should react is called in psychology?

That tendency is called social referencing, where individuals look to others for guidance on how to interpret and respond to ambiguous situations. It is a common social behavior that helps individuals navigate unfamiliar or uncertain circumstances by observing others' reactions.

What involves the production of offspring?

There are a number of things that involve the production of offspring. This mainly include fusion of the male and female gametes and a period through which the offspring will develop among others.

What Behaviors that individuals can expect from others?

Individuals can expect others to behave with respect, honesty, empathy, and reliability in their interactions. Consistent communication, collaboration, and support are also behaviors that can typically be expected from others.