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Q: Why do standing Egyptian statues have one foot in front of the other?
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What were the Egyptian death masks made of?

Statues were an important sign and were made of:gold lapis lazulli and other highly valuable gems and metals.

What are two statues either side of the stairs in the front of the supreme court?

The statues name's are Urkel the Dog Rapist, the other is called Gary the Horse Swallower. Your mother also likes to hide them in the gaping abyss she likes to call a vagina.

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towards the front of the bible when moses and the other jews ran away from thier egyptian slavers.

Do the other Statues of Liberty look like your Statue of Liberty?

from what i know there is not any other statues of liberty so i can't answer that

How are classical (ancient Roman and Greek) statues like Renaissance statues?

The question should be the other way round because renaissance statues were modelled on classical and Hellenistic statues.

What were the forms of Egyptian writing and when were they used?

Hieroglyphs, hieratic and demotic. Hieroglyphs were only for statues, tombs, temples and important documents, and were not used every day. The other two are like simpler versions of hieroglyphs and were used everyday.

What is the statue sent to England from Egypt?

There are many Egyptian statues in the British Museum and other places. However, you may be referring to the obelisk shipped to London as a gift. It is romantically called "Cleopatra's Needle" although it had nothing to do with Cleopatra at all.

How far can the cyber gear flip style text messenger go?

about 50 feet and standing right in front of the other person

How do you do the statue puzzle on runescape dungening level 5?

There are two different statue puzzles. In the one with 3 statues, two are armed, and you have to arm the third one. The statues are supposed to have three different weapons. In the one with 10 statues, you have to arm each of 5 different statues, with weapons that are better than the statue in front of it (according to the combat triangle). For example, if the other statue has a bow, you arm your statue with a sword. To arm the statues, take a pickaxe and mine some rock (in the same room as the statues). Then take a chisel and hammer, and make the weapon. Finally, select "Arm statue" on the statue.

Why did the artist paint George Washington standing in front of the delegates?

They don't. At least one famous painting and several statues show him on horseback. And you can't tell if he's standing in the well-known head-and-shoulders portraits, but most likely he posed seated. However, a standing pose is appropriate to a leader. Being shown standing tall and larger than life, just lilke the Eurpoean kings, inspires the people to look up to him. Many people might see the portraits who were never going to see him any other way; the camera had not yet been invented in Washington's time, never mind television or film.

How many statues of Hatshepsut are there in the metropolitan museum of art?

They have the Large Seated Statue of Hatshepsut. In this statue, were she portrayed as a male pharaoh dressed in the costume of an Egyptian king, although she does not wear the usual false beard. The other one is the Seated Statue of Hatshepsut. This life-size statue shows Hatshepsut in the ceremonial attire of an Egyptian pharaoh, traditionally a man's role.

What is the importance of marble to the people of Greece?

they used it to build structures and statues