That can have various reasons. It could be peer pressure, mental illness, depression, troubled home life. Perhaps they are not feeling connected to the community, where values exist against stealing, harming someone or otherwise disregarding the rights of someone else.
Because they are stupid
What is important is not high interest rates but high real interest rates: that is, interest rates adjusted for inflation.If a currency has high real interest rates, foreign investors will want to buy into that currency. The increased demand will push up the price of that currency relative to other currencies and so its exchange rate will "improve".
Grimsby WHERE???
demographic transition
Hanging, shooting or jumping of a high building
very high
.... as compared to where else?
Well I think all punishment decreases crime rates but I think the death penalty decreases the most amount of crime. However, it remains extremely difficult to show a relationship between crime rates and the death penalty, and it's questionable whether a criminal that would be willing commit a crime that is punishable by life in prison would be deterred by a possible death penalty. The stakes are so high in both cases that the punishment likely isn't a determinate on whether the criminal will proceed.
BASE Jumpingapex-base jumping
Atlanta ranks among the top for cities with high crime rates.
Crime rates can vary depending on the specific location and type of crime. In some places, crime rates may be going down due to various factors such as improved policing strategies and community initiatives. However, in other areas, crime rates may be increasing due to factors like economic hardships or social unrest. It is important to consider local trends and statistics when assessing changes in crime rates.
By having a nation that has a different culture than other countries, Ownership of firearms is extremely limited. Crime in all categories is much less than many other nations. This does not apply to all nations with restrictive gun laws. Some have very high rates of violent crime.
ViolenceHigh CrimePoullution
The United States has a relatively high crime rate compared to many other developed countries. However, rankings can vary depending on the specific crime rates being compared. For example, the US has a high rate of violent crime, but may have lower rates of other types of crime when compared to some other countries. It's important to consider that crime rates can also vary within different regions or cities within a country.
The country with one of the highest crime rates in the world is El Salvador, with particularly high rates of gang-related violence, including extortion and homicides. Venezuela also experiences high crime rates, with carjackings, kidnappings, and homicides being significant issues. It's essential to note that crime rates can vary depending on the type of crime and the specific location within a country.
Baltimore, Maryland ranks high in crime rates compared to other cities in the United States. It has been consistently listed among the cities with high crime rates, particularly in terms of violent crime such as homicide, robbery, and aggravated assault. However, it is important to note that crime rates can vary by neighborhood within the city.
Advantages - You can buy a house.Better cash flow.Disadvantages - Interest rates and be extremely high.