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Q: Why do the runners look flushed only 20 minutes into the race?
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What American high school runners have gone sub-four minutes?

As of June 15, 2009, only 4 American High School runners have ever gone under 4 minutes in a 1 mile race. Jim Ryun, Tim Danielson, Marty Liquori, and Alan Webb (the current High School and American record holder in the mile)

Why does the toilet only leak when flushed?

The toilet only leaks when flushed because there may be a problem with the flushing mechanism or the seal between the tank and the bowl. When the toilet is flushed, water is released from the tank into the bowl, and if there is a leak in the mechanism or seal, water can escape and cause a leak.

Why is my toilet leaking only when flushed?

Your toilet may be leaking only when flushed due to a faulty seal or gasket in the flushing mechanism. This can cause water to escape when the toilet is flushed, leading to a leak. It is important to address this issue promptly to prevent water damage and higher water bills.

Should I have the transmission flushed or only change the fluid?

The best way is to have the tranny flushed in order to get all the fluid out of the valve body and the torque converter.

Can you compete in high school cross country as a team with only 5 runners?

Yes, 5 runners score points.

Why is Daewoo matiz heater blowing cold air only?

it is blocked and needs to be flushed out

Who were the runners up in the 1984 UEFA Champions League?

The runners up in the 1984 UEFA Champions League was Roma.

Which of the following installations are only required to be flushed gubefore use and do not need to be disinfected?


Are there crocodiles in Kenya?

Nope, only track runners. Yes there are crocodiles in Kenya.

Come On Eileen was the only hit single for which group?

Dexy's Midnight Runners

Can anybody get it band or only active people?

It is not true that only runners can get it band. It is said that "it band" which is the inflation of the band running from your knee to your femur, can often be found in any long distance athletes, such as runners, cyclists and swimmers.

Where can I learn more about carb loading ?

Mayo Clinic, Runners world and most exercise sites have information on carb loading. Carb loading is only recommended for exercising longer than 90 minutes so is not recommended for beginners to exercise.