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Q: Why do they spray pesticides in apples?
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Why do they put pesticides on apples?

to stop insects eating them

Why don't organic apples have wormholes?

Some organic apples are sprayed with organicly permited pesticides like nicotine.

What is the difference between organic apples and non-organic apples?

Organic apples are grown without harmful chemicals and pesticides. Non organic apples are grown with those harmful chemicals.

Does sevin bug spray lose its strength?

All pesticides do after a time

Why do we spray pesticides on crops?

Pesticides are sprayed on crops to control pests such as insects, weeds, and diseases that can damage the crops and reduce their yield. This helps to protect the crops and ensure a successful harvest.

How do you know if an apple has pesticides?

You cannot tell if an apple has pesticides on it just by looking at it. To minimize pesticide exposure, choose organic apples or thoroughly wash conventionally-grown apples with water and a produce wash before eating.

What is the recommened wind speed when applying farm pesticides?

The recommend wind speed when applying farm pesticides is the lowest speed possible. It is ideal to spray pesticides when the wind is almost still.

Can bed bugs die from pesticides?

Not any that you can get in the store, but you have to have a company come out and spray for them

How do you condition fighting spiders?

Spray it with pesticides until it does not affect the spider anymore.