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Q: Why do units need to be specified for an answer to be complete?
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Unless otherwise specified, they are simply called 'units'.

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Complete set of events in which you are interested.

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The answer depends on the units used for 26455.1985, which are not specified in the question.

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The answer will depend on the units for 240, which are not specified in the question.

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The product of the height and width, each expressed in the same units as the units squared specified for the area, must be 20.

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The answer depends on the units for 3.25 and 8.7 and, since these are not specified, there can be no answer.

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It is 5 units * 20 units. A smaller perimeter can be attained by a square but the question specified a rectangle.

51 and 76 centimeters equals?

No they are not equal. If you wanted them converted to other units, you should have specified those.

How many 18x 24 ceiling tiles will you need for a 16' x 12' room?

One 18 ft x 24 ft tile will be more than enough. Since the measurement units used for the tile are not specified, I have assumed that they are the same as the only units that are mentioned in the question.