In math, check means to check your work by reversing the problem and making sure it works out.
Work hard, be careful and check your work.
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I think you are referring to checking a math equation. After you solve an equation you should go back and check your work to make sure you got the right answer. You can do this by plugging your answer back into the equation
50 what's "mental math" supposed to mean? if it just means you did it in your head, then there is no difference between mental and regular math, except that it is harder to check your work.
In math you always work to the right.
In math, check means to check your work by reversing the problem and making sure it works out.
Work hard, be careful and check your work.
Check it out in this forum below
Checks and balances work by taxes and government preatty much doing the math of your money for you.
I think you are referring to checking a math equation. After you solve an equation you should go back and check your work to make sure you got the right answer. You can do this by plugging your answer back into the equation
only if you have OCD
only if you have OCD
Do the work first, then check the answers with your teacher.
50 what's "mental math" supposed to mean? if it just means you did it in your head, then there is no difference between mental and regular math, except that it is harder to check your work.
the math def' of always true is like certain