You do not invert it. However, you can convert the remainder to a decimal by carrying out a long division of the remainder divided by the original divisor. For example, 13/3 = 4r1 Then, long division of the remainder (=1) by the divisor (=3) gives 0.33.... which is the converted remainder. The full quotient, in decimal form is 4.33...
154 ÷ 4 = 38 with remainder 2
It is 0, remainder 3.
you drop a remainder by answering in a full question
If, when you carry out long division, the remainder at some stage happens to be the same as the remainder at an earlier stage.
You do not invert it. However, you can convert the remainder to a decimal by carrying out a long division of the remainder divided by the original divisor. For example, 13/3 = 4r1 Then, long division of the remainder (=1) by the divisor (=3) gives 0.33.... which is the converted remainder. The full quotient, in decimal form is 4.33...
154 ÷ 4 = 38 with remainder 2
It is 0, remainder 3.
you drop a remainder by answering in a full question
The answer is the remainder has a quotient of 14
If, when you carry out long division, the remainder at some stage happens to be the same as the remainder at an earlier stage.
414 divided by 9 is 46 with remainder 0