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Q: Why do you have one oblique larger than the other?
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Mars has a moon that is larger than the other one.

What kind of elephant that is larger than other and has larger ears than others?

The African elephant is the larger one with bigger ears. The smaller one is the Asian elephant.

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Either one can be larger (or smaller) than the other.

What is an oblique pyramid?

An oblique pyramid is a pyramid that does not have its apex aligned with the center of its base. In other words, the pyramid leans more towards one side

What is the difference between oblique and a oblique triangle?

One's a triangle.

Difference between oblique and acute triangles?

An oblique triangle is any triangle that is not a right triangle. An oblique triangle could be either obtuse (having one side greater than 90 degrees) or acute. An acute triangle is one with all three angles less than 90 degrees. It cannot be obtuse, or right.

Which boiler produces more steam than the other?

The larger one.

How are oblique prisms and right prisms different?

A right prism is a prism which has bases aligned one directly above the other and has lateral faces that are rectangles. An oblique prism is a prism with bases that, while parallel, are not aligned one directly above the other.

What is an oblique line?

An oblique line is one that is at an angle to some frame of reference.

When someone has one testicle bigger that the other means hernia?

While having one testicle that is larger than the other could signal a hernia, it might also be nothing at all. Many males find that their testicles are not exactly the same, with one being larger than the other or one hanging lower than the other.

Is it normal for one testicle to get larger as you get older?

It is completely normal for one testical to be larger and hang lower than the other - it is typically the left one.

Which one is bigger 9.13 9.03?

9.13 is larger because 9.13 is one tenth larger than 9.03. Also because the number that is next to the decimal is bigger than the other one. For example: 0.97 is larger than 0.67 because the nine is bigger than the 6