The pressure is due to the weight of all the air above a certain point. Pressure is simply weight per unit area.
Gauge pressure is what you get when you take the reading from your tire pressure gauge. Absolute pressure is the pressure inside your tires plus the atmospheric pressure, which is roughly; 14.7 psi, 101.3 kPa (kilo-Pascals), or one atmosphere. Absolute pressure measures all of the pressure on your tires, inside and out, whereas gauge simply measures the pressure inside the tire.
Absolute pressure is simply the addition of the observed gage pressure plus the value of the local atmospheric pressure.
The pressure inside will be the same as what the atmospheric pressure was when the lid was closed as long as no heat is added or removed.
You might use the definition of pressure: pressure = force / area.
Rate-pressure product = Heart rate * Systolic pressure
An atmosphere is a region of gases surrounding a planet or other body in space.
the air around the earth
No one knows, but I know that you would die if you could get to Jupiter, If you could get there.. It would very horrible, because the pressure of the gases in Jupiter will crush you once you enter its atmoshpere.
lithosphere hydroshpere atmoshpere
This gas is oxygen.
Mercury. The smallest and the closest planet to our sun.
pluto's atmoshpere