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Q: Why do you have two ways of describing location?
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Why is it important to have two ways of describing your location?

[7:27:10 PM] Persephone Seale: 1 - It is important to have different ways of describing your location, because if you're telling someone stuppid how to get to your house, they'll need it. You could tell them the address (absolute location), but, because they're stupid, you're also going to have to tell them that your house directly across the street from the house of the town pedophile (relative location).

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Which were to you use when you you are describing location?

You would use "where" when you are describing a location. For example, "Where are you going?" or "Where is the nearest coffee shop?"

What are two ways to describe location?

latitude and longitude

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The Description Form, Roster Form, and The Set-Builder Notation Form.

Two ways of describing 6 billion are?

the number is long and if you have that much money your would be rice :D

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location of the business and merchandise

What are two different ways to describe location?

area and place

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A formula or graph are two ways to describe a math function. How a math function is described depends on the domain of the function or the complexity of the function.

What are two ways of describing the number 6 billion?

1, six, with 9 zeros after it.2. a very large number.

Describe Galveston's location. What are two ways location is important?

Galveston is an ocean island. This location affects how citizens live, work, and play.

What you the correct terminology for describing the location of the equator?

The correct terminology for describing the location of the equator is "0 degrees latitude."