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Just in case you might need them later on in life. Just because you don't need the info now doesn't mean that you won't.

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Q: Why do you learn things from math that is not important?
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Why is Math such an important subject to learn?

Math helps you with many life situations. You might not understand some of the things you learn when you are younger and how it will help you in life but it is all preparation for the bigger situations

Who hates math?

Wheather you like math or not, it's important to learn it. I don't ejoy math either. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you should quit it, remember, math is very important in everyday life. You can always leave room for the things you love.

Why do everyone learn maths?

math is like the brain of the human and without math you can never learn how to count and calculate things that are needed to be calculated

Is math important to learn?

You may not like the answer but yes, absolutely! I'm not saying you HAVE TO be a genius at math but you have to know the basics. You use math in cooking, budgeting... all sorts of things, and I don't think you can depend on your parents or friends to do that for you for very long.

What did you do in schooling?

You learn things like in writing, History, Spelling and Math.

Is math easy?

Some people think different opinions of math. Some things we learn are easy, some are not.

how much should i learn math?

If you do not plan on having a job like a scientist or a math teacher learn the basics. That means the math that will help you with taxes, paying the bill, writing check, tipping, and wages things like that your going to need math for.

Why was math important in the 21st century?

For the exact reason that math is important today. Calculations, arithmetic, figuring things out and what have you

What did you do in high school?

You learn things like in writing, History, Spelling and Math.

Why students need to learn math?

because its important to know how to count. money

What to learn in seventh grade?

We learn many things for an example in math we learn strenching a shrinking an shapes to find the scale factor or more.

What is important science or math?

Math, math is the back bone to all science, without out math there is no science.