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Answer is not a whole number, but includes a very long or repeating fraction.

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Q: Why do you often have to round off answers to math problems that involve measured quantities?
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What is the purpose of calculus?

To solve problems that involve infinitesimal quantities. Such problems are solving for the slope of or area under a curve.

What is a qualitative and quantitive observations?

Qualitative observations involve descriptions that cannot be measured with numbers, such as colors, textures, and smells. Quantitative observations involve measurements and numerical data, providing specific quantities or amounts.

What is a comparison between two quantities that do not involve time?

A ratio is a comparison of two quantities

Do stoichiometry problems involve predicting how fast a reaction will occur?

No. Stoichiometry studies the quantities involved in chemical reactions. How fast a reaction occurs is a branch of chemistry called kinetics.

What is the meaning of physical quantities and measurements?

Physical quantities are properties that can be measured and described in terms of numerical values, such as length, mass, time, temperature, and volume. Measurements involve assigning a numerical value to a physical quantity using a standard unit of measurement to quantify its magnitude. This allows for comparing and communicating these properties accurately in science and everyday life.

What kinds of sulosion?

Solutions can vary depending on the context. Generally, solutions refer to the answers or resolutions to problems or challenges. They can involve actions, strategies, or ideas designed to address an issue effectively.

Why do your answers always involve a computerized corporate answer?

No computer answers questions here. Human beings type all answers.

How do conceptual problems differ from numeric problems?

Solutions to conceptual problems normally do not involve calculations.

What does scientific inquiry involve?

asking questions and finding answers

What is Difference between kinematic and dynamic quantity?

Kinematic quantities describe motion without considering the forces causing it, such as speed and acceleration. Dynamic quantities, on the other hand, involve forces and their effects on motion, such as force, momentum, and energy. Essentially, kinematic quantities focus on describing motion, while dynamic quantities involve the forces that cause that motion.

How is a limiting reactant problem different from other stoichiometry problems?

In a limiting reactant problem, you must identify which reactant will be completely consumed first to determine the maximum amount of product that can be formed. Other stoichiometry problems may involve finding the amount of product produced by known quantities of reactants without considering limiting factors.

What are the sample problems in free falling bodies?

Some sample problems in free falling bodies include determining the time it takes for an object to fall a certain distance, calculating its final velocity upon impact with the ground, and finding the height from which an object was dropped based on its impact velocity. These problems typically involve using equations of motion like the kinematic equations to solve for various unknown quantities.