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You may have been unintentionally "shrooming" and are now hallucinating. Try figuring out the hypotenuse of the triangles and adding that the the squared of all areas. Then maybe the shrooms will let you out...The colors are just for your amusement!

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Q: Why do you see colorful geometric shapes when you eat fungi?
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How do you beat sector 10 zone 8 on mangahigh?

you eat the shapes the get a gun and shoot amngga high

What is Budas problem?

He is SUPER FAT!!! (: and he likes Spongebob and he likes to eat eggs. He has some major FUNGI!!! He has major fart issues.

What are fungi made up of?

What makes a fungi?The fungi are a separate kingdom of living things, different from animals and plants. Fungi have cells with nuclei. Their cell walls contain chitin, unlike the cell walls of plants, which contain cellulose. ... Their basic mode of life is saprophytic: a fungus breaks down dead organic matter around it, and uses it as food. The cell walls of fungi is made up of chitin . Chitin is an example of carbohydrates and is the modified form of cellulose . It is made from the derivatives of glucosamine (glucose unit to which nitrogen group is attached). Most fungi are saprophytes, feeding on dead or decaying material. This helps to remove leaf litter and other debris that would otherwise accumulate on the ground. Nutrients absorbed by the fungus then become available for other organisms which may eat fungi. The fungi (singular, fungus) once were considered to be plants because they grow out of the soil and have rigid cell walls. Now they are placed independently in their own kingdom of equal rank with the animals and plants and, in fact, are more closely related to animals than to plants. I hope I helped! 😅

When you eat one M and M are you eating an M or an M and M?

If you eat half, you eat an M.. Buh if you eat all, you eat an M and M

Can people eat bricks?

No you can not eat bricks.

Related questions

Name two ways the fungus-like protists are like fungi?

They both eat and reproduce

What eats fungi?

Many animals and organisms eat fungi, including insects, slugs, snails, and some small mammals like mice. These organisms feed on fungi as a food source in their diet.

Which is safer to eat mold or fungi?


What two things Fungi eat that start a V and A?

Fungi don't eat.

Since fungi eat organisms what do they eat?

Fungi are decomposers, meaning they break down organic matter like dead plants and animals. They absorb nutrients from this matter, which helps them grow and reproduce. Some fungi also form symbiotic relationships with plants, helping them to access nutrients from the soil.

Can you eat all the fungi?

No! Do not eat fungi unless it has been bought from the store or identified by an expert!

Can fungi eat a vulture?

Chuck Norris can eat a vulture. And fungi. Yes, but very rarely

How are fungi beneficial to other organisms?

Well, fungi is beneficial to animals because we eat fungi.

What are the organisms that fed on plants?

Herbivore eat plants, fungi exclusively. Omnivore eat plants and/or fungi and meat.

Will tadpoles eat fish food?

no. They will eat fungi

How do fungi have a positive effect on soil?

Fungi in the soil play a crucial role in nutrient cycling by breaking down organic matter into forms that can be used by plants. They also form symbiotic relationships with plant roots, known as mycorrhizae, which help plants access nutrients like phosphorus and improve their overall health and growth. Additionally, certain fungi can help suppress soil-borne plant pathogens, reducing the need for chemical pesticides.

Do fungi eat food just as animals do?

No, fungi undergophotosynthesis just as plantsdo.