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Q: Why do you think math is important?
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Why is math such an important skill?

probably the most important skill they teach in school.. but i think after algebra 1 math is useless. ha

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What is the difference between math and social studies?

Math is the language of science and in and of itself is important for teaching people how to think, not what to think. Social studies is just the grade school name for a collection of social science " disciplines " and, though needing some study, are orders of magnitude less important than math. Math is an objective discipline while social studies only pretends to be objective.

Why is it important that you learn math?

Are you serious? Why would you be dumb enough to think you wouldn't need math? If you think math is so unimportant then you wouldn't mind if I charged you $500 for a pencil? You see what I'm getting at? If you don't understand the meaning of math maybe you should go back to the 2nd grade.

What is the importance of contemporary math for the student?

math is important very important so any kind of math is important even contemporary.

What did kelly miller do?

he was important in math. he graduated a good math school. and he uhh.....o yah he died. but he also was a math matecian i think is how u spell it. But look it up soo yah there u have IT! ;)

What is an important math tool?

calculators and rulers are important math tools

Why is math important in your daily routine?

well, math is important in many ways! when you go to a store, you need to know math. that is one example. there are many other ways which math is important. it is important all over the world. math is part of life!

Why is it important to have a solid background in mathematics for programming languages?

You need to to know some basic math to live. right? Likewise you need to know some basic math to start computer programming....beginners start out by learning to do programs like solving a quadratic equation....if you are not thorough with algebra, u can't do it. The way you think is more important.....rather than being good in math, computer programmers are required to think the way math people think - vey very very logically.

How do you get points on think through math?

how to get lots of points on think through math

The most important math concept?

The most important math concept is the idea of zero.

Is it important to know basic math skills to be a doctor?

yes.very important. math and science