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Q: Why do you think the emperor had less power than a shotgun?
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Why do you think the emperor had less power than a shogun?

Because they were never in combat.

Why do you think that the emporer had less power than a shogun?

THEY WERE BROTHERS AND THE SHOGUN WAS OLDER:) :( people these days the real answer is that the shogun went to war against the emperor and gained more power by victory of the battle. that's why the emperor had less power on japan than the shogun.

What is a low recoil on a shotshell?

It is a shell for a shotgun that has less power than a standard shotshell, and produces less recoil, or "kick".

What Roman emperor never left the Italian peninsula despite being in power twenty three years?

Roman Emperor Antonius Pius never left the Italian peninsula in the twenty three years he was in power. He is said to be much less involved in Rome's military affairs than most other emperors.

What is considered a short barreled shotgun?

Any shotgun with a barrel length of less than 18 inches and/or an overall length of less than 26 inches.

Why does a rifle have less kick then a shotgun?

It depends on the comparative charges of the ammunition. A rifle can have more recoil than a shotgun.

Why was emperor Augustus popular?

There are many reasons but in a nut shell he killed everyone that didn't like him in the civil war against Mark Anthony and he downplayed his role as emperor so that hte people ended up calling for him to seize more executive power not less.

What is the Value of a Cannon Breech shotgun?

Less than $100.

What is the value of a Remington model 1100 28 gauge skeet gun still in box new?

It's a solid $850 shotgun, I don't think you can find one for less.

What method was used to pick a new roman emperor?

The incumbent emperor chose his successor. However, from the third century onward, emperors were often military commanders who were proclaimed emperors by their troops as the imperial system became less stable and the army acquired great political power.

What Roman emperor followed Caesar Augustus?

Caesar Augustus was the first emperor of Rome. Before him, Rome was ruled by the Senate. However, the Senate had less and less power in the waning days of the Republic. Before Caesar Augustus became emperor in 27 BC, he was part of a triumvirate with M. Lepidus and M. Antonius. The Senate was still nominally leading Rome. Before that Julius Caesar held a lot of power before his assassination in 44 BC. But again, supposedly the Senate was still leading Rome.

What role did the emperor play in the feudal system under the Tokugawa Shogunate?

Yes. Technically speaking, the Emperor designated the Tokugawa family as shogun (general). Shogun (general) is originally supposed to fight against the northern peoples, but the position has the greatest power in the society, and it was more or less just a title for someone who controls the country. The Emperor and his family became political figureheads while the real military power lay with the Shogunate rulers.