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There are several advantages. Some of them are:

1. They are internationally agreed as standard. Not like a gallon which can mean one amount in the US and another in the UK.

2. Orders of magnitude for the same measure are related by simple decimal conversions and only a handful of prefices are required (although there are a lot more). By way of contrast, the Imperial system uses:

  • 2 pints in a quart
  • 3 feet in a yard
  • 4 quarts in a gallon
  • 6 feet in a fathom
  • 8 furlongs in a mile
  • 9 square feet in a square yard
  • 12 inches in a foot
  • 14 pounds in a stone
  • 16 ounces in a pound

and so on, and on and on. The decimal structure also makes it very simple to use scientific notation for small and large quantities.

3. It is used by most people in the world. The main recalcitrant countries are USA, Liberia and Myanmar. Even in the US, scientists normally use SI. When they don't they have disasters like the one that trashed NASA's Mars Climate Orbiter!

4. There are many simple relations from measures for one characteristic to another. For example, the SI unit of length is 1 metre. 100 square metres = 1 are, the unit for area. 1 cubic metre = 1000 litres, the unit for volume.

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Q: Why do you use metric units in science?
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What does the metric unit has to do with earth science?

Almost all scientists use metric units for scientific measurements.

Do you have to turn units into metric units for a science fair project?

Yes, it is recommended because the SI-units are based on the metric system.

Why should you use the metric system in science?

Because the metric system uses units of 10's to measure which makes things simple.

What metric units do you use in science?

Basically all the basic and derived SI units. More information here:

Are metric units for science?

They are used a lot in science. However, the metric units are also used in daily life, in most countries - with the notable exception of the United States.In some cases, non-metric (non-SI) units are also used; for example, it is customary to use degrees Celsius for temperature (instead of Kelvin); or to use time units other than seconds (such as minutes, days, years) for time.

How do you change the units in the metric system?

How do you change metric units?

How are metric units of measurement used in the laboratory?

base on what you measure to use the metric units.

What do you use to convert customary units and metric units?

You use conversion factors.

What units do you use for it?

I use metric units, such as meters, kilograms, and liters for measurements.

Are metric units used by scientist?

Oh yes, scientists only use metric SI units.

Why do we prefer to use metric units of measurements over English units of measurements?

Metric units of measurement are more fun to say.

Are seconds a metric unit?

Yes, seconds are a metric unit. They are part of the International System of Units (SI) and are used to measure time.