There are lots of situations where you can't know an outcome for sure. Probability is used in this case, to analyze the different possibilities, and how likely each of them is.
Another word for probability.
It is a term used it probability which mean the frequency of something occuring
Something that may or may not happen as in the rules of probability from a scale of 1 to 0
For the same reasons that we need to use maths today.
The same reason that people of other countries use maths.
Another word for probability.
No, you have to do it yourself.
It is a term used it probability which mean the frequency of something occuring
A space diagram is commonly used in mathematics. It is a table which represents a range of work to mostly do with probability! Hope it helps
Statistics (and Probability) would generally come under pure maths.
a story of maths on topic use of maths in our daily life
All countries use maths for calculations.
Something that may or may not happen as in the rules of probability from a scale of 1 to 0
For the same reasons that we need to use maths today.
you use maths in school, college, some jobs. if you want to have a job in maths you better start revising.
The same reason that people of other countries use maths.