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Q: Why do your feet sink into the sand?
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Why does a desert rat have large feet?

so it dos not sink in the sand

We cannot walk comfortably on sand but camels can run in a desert easily?

Answer: It is because camel’s feet have large surface area, the force of their weight is distributed over a large area of sand. The pressure produced on sand is small and hence, a camel’s feet do not sink into the sand. On the other hand, a man’s feet have a small surface area, the force of their weight is distributed over a smaller area of sand. The force per unit area or pressure produced on sand is large in this case due to which a man’s feet sink into sand and it becomes difficult for him to walk on sand.

Why are the camel's wide feet a good adaptation for living in the desert?

The reason why wide feet are a good adaptation for living in the desert is because you do not sink in to the sand as you would if you have thinner feet. Camels have wide feet that help them stay on top of the sand making travel easier and more efficient. The camel's feet are good for the desert because their feet are flat so they don't sink in the sand and that means they can move faster.

What are some Camel's physical features?

big feet so they dnt sink in sand cleva hey

Why do you sink when you walk on sand dunes?

Sand dunes have loose and shifting particles that cannot support your weight evenly. When you walk on sand dunes, the grains of sand move and shift beneath your feet, causing you to sink. This sinking occurs because your weight presses down on the sand, causing it to compact and displace outwards.

How are camels well adapted to their environment?

they have short fur

Why would a ball filled with sand would sink in water?

The sand puts weight on it and it makes in sink.

Does a camels have divided hooves?

No it is not. This is one of the reasons it is adapted to its environment, its broad feet help to prevent it sinking into the sand.

Why do cars sink in sand?

cars sink i sands because the sand is a soft particular thing it's like the same thing when your car sink in the mud.

What will not sink in quick sand?

Improvement: quick sand doesn't sink in quicksand and things with low density X mass

How long does it human take to sink in quick sand?

ho long dose it take a humien to sink in quick sand

Why when you walk on dried sand you sink?

When you walk on dried sand, you sink because the grains of sand are not tightly packed together, so they easily shift and move under the pressure of your weight. This causes the sand to lose its stability and support, making you sink into it as you walk.